Training Materials: Elementary

This package, including manuals, videos, and training aids, allows you to train a core group of students to help other students resolve conflicts on the playground, in the classroom, or privately in the counselor's office.  The program may also be used to teach students to 'be their own mediator' or by parents at home when their children have disputes.

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Complete Training Materials Package

This complete package will allow you to train your student peer mediators or to continue the program if CRU has provided the first year of training for your students.

Each elementary school training package includes:

  • Manual: CRU for Elementary Conflict Mediators
  • Manual: CRU for the Classroom
  • Manual: Family Problem Solving
  • Video: My Name is Sophie: Digital Download
  • 2 DVD's and Leader's Guides; Everyday Conflicts and Blue Eraser
  • Program Training Aids
  • 13 Feeling Cards
  • 12 Cue Cards (4 Sets)



  • Conflict mediator process
  • Cultural diversity and conflict
  • Communication skills
  • Mediation techniques
  • Difficult situations
  • Being your own mediator
  • Role play examples

This is an extensive curriculum manual with over 100 pages of material including specific and detailed lesson plans and well explained training procedures. The manual includes handouts for students, program evaluation forms, and instructions for setting up the program in your school.

Manual Excerpts


  • Conflict mediator process
  • Cultural diversity and conflict
  • Communication skills
  • Mediation techniques
  • Difficult situations
  • Being your own mediator
  • Role play example

Conflict Resolution program for the K-6 classroom. The 100 page guide includes twelve detailed lesson plans 20-30 minutes long. The program emphasizes negotiation skills, creates awareness and understanding of the process of mediation, and may be used to begin a new way of dealing with classroom conflict.

Includes four sessions, each two hours. Teaches parents how to use conflict mediation at home with their children, how to run family meetings, and how to negotiate or 'be your own mediator at home. If your school has a peer mediation program, it also may be used to show parents what their children are learning at school.

Digital Videos


  • Active listening
  • Using "I" messages
  • Dealing with feelings
  • Enforce the rules
  • Balance the power
  • Underlying information

A professionally acted dramatization showing how the Conflict Mediator process works on the playground. The video is accompanied by a Leader's Guide which points out, through an annotated transcript, several mediation skills used in the video. 8min


  • Restating
  • Enforcing the Rules
  • Expressing Feelings
  • "I" Messages
  • Focus on the Issue
  • Exploring Solutions

A creative dramatization showing elementary students using the sit-down mediation model to help students in conflict resolve their dispute. The story focuses on one mediator's first experience and demonstrates numerous mediation techniques. Length: 12 minutes.


  • Restating
  • Open Ended Questions
  • "I" Messages
  • Balance the Power
  • Enforcing the Rules
  • Teach the Disputants to Restate
  • What will happen if…?

Sophie shows how differences among children can lead to teasing, harassment, and exclusion. These issues occur in the elementary classroom and on the playground. Peer Mediation helps children respect one another and learn how their behavior impacts others. Length: 8 minutes.

Training Aids

These cards are used by the role play supervisors to cue the mediators as to what to do or say next. They are most helpful when used only when the mediators are stuck or when they are unable to proceed in the mediation process. 

Each set of feeling cards may be used in a game of charades. Choose a card and ask a student to demonstrate the feeling on the card. The other students will guess what the feeling is. This is an interactive, engaging way to teach about feelings.

Use these forms to evaluate the successes and challenges of your program. The forms provide pre and post training responses from Administrators, faculty, and students.

My Name Is Sophie

The Blue Eraser

Everyday Conflicts

Purchase Order

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