Training Materials: Middle & High School

Middle school and high school packages create a consistent school-wide approach to conflict resolution. With CRU Institute's materials, you can train a core group of Student Mediators and introduce mediation/negotiation concepts and skills in the classroom.

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Complete Training Packages

Each Middle School package contains:

  • Manual: CRU for Middle School Peer Mediators
  • Classroom Manual: CRU for Violence Prevention
  • 2 DVDs and Leader's Guides
  • Everybody's Talking
  • Changes
  • 10 Large Technique Cards
  • 12 Role Play Cue Cards (4 Sets)
  • 13 Feeling Cards
  • 1 Student Handout Booklet Sample

Each High School package contains:

  • Manual: CRU for High School Peer Mediators
  • Classroom Manual: CRU for Violence Prevention
  • 2 DVDs and Leader's Guides
  • Everybody's Talking
  • Changes
  • 10 Large Technique Cards
  • 12 Role Play Cue Cards (4 Sets)
  • 13 Feeling Cards
  • 1 Student Handout Booklet Sample

Items May Be Purchased Separately



  1. Mediation structure and process
  2. Communication skills
  3. Cultural diversity and conflict
  4. Mediation techniques
  5. Over 50 student role plays
  6. Trainer's rolling role plays
  7. Being your own mediator

These manuals were developed by experienced mediators who have trained students and faculty in hundreds of schools since 1992. The manuals, each over 200 pages, show you how to teach the sophisticated process of sit-down mediation. Sections on how to set up the program in your school as well as all student handouts and program evaluations are included.

Manual Excerpts


  1. Mediation structure and process
  2. Communication skills
  3. Cultural diversity and conflict
  4. Mediation techniques
  5. Over 50 student role plays
  6. Trainer's rolling role plays
  7. Being your own mediator

These manuals were developed by experienced mediators who have trained students and faculty in hundreds of schools since 1992. The manuals, each over 200 pages, show you how to teach the sophisticated process of sit-down mediation. Sections on how to set up the program in your school as well as all student handouts and program evaluations are included.

Manual Excerpts

This middle school/high school manual contains CRU Institute's mediation training curriculum formatted for classroom use. The manual is a conflict resolution curriculum appropriate for health classes or other general life skills classes. It contains 45 minute lessons emphasizing negotiation skills and being your own mediator.

Digital Videos

This DVD runs 40 minutes and is divided into four sections. Each section is followed by a series of discussion questions for students and faculty.


  • Fitting In
  • Bullying: Who Does it Hurt?
  • LBGTQ: Let's Talk
  • Opening the Doors Between Students, Faculty and Administrators

The video was created to help students, teachers, and administrators begin to explore why our middle and high schools have become places where many students feel ridiculed, depressed, victimized, and disenfranchised. The program and your discussions that follow will offer participants the opportunity to view what is happening at your school and to consider options that your students and faculty can implement to create a more positive school environment.


  1. Structuring the process
  2. Teaching disputants restating
  3. Exploring Feelings
  4. Using 'I' Messages
  5. Enforce the rules
  6. Teaching disputants 'I' Messages
  7. Point out areas of agreement
  8. What will happen if.....?

Kayla and Isiah are boyfriend-girlfriend. Their relationship is threatened by Isiah's decision to become a serious student and take honors classes. The dramatization includes mediation of the dispute and much more. The topic is intriguing and provocative. Length: 14 minutes.


  1. Using "I" Messages
  2. Teaching Disputants Restating/I Messages
  3. Pointing Out Areas of Agreements
  4. What will happen...?
  5. Exploring Feelings

Rumors and gossip lead to serious conflict between two girls. Student mediators create a structure in which the girls can begin to communicate, understand one another, and reach an amicable agreement. There are many techniques demonstrated in this video. Length: 14 minutes.


  • Annotated script
  • Diversity materials
  • The mediation process
  • Cultural differences: Communication
  • Cultural diversity role plays

Diversity Training digital video and leader's guide: A training video showing how differences can create conflict and how students help other students understand those differences and resolve conflicts through mediation. 23min

Training Aids

Each booklet contains a summary of the entire peer mediation training. When students complete the mediation training, each will receive a booklet that they may use to review the various aspects of the training.

Each booklet contains a summary of the entire peer mediation training. When students complete the mediation training, each will receive a booklet that they may use to review the various aspects of the training.

These cards are used by the role play supervisors to cue the mediators as to what to do or say next. They are most helpful when used only when the mediators are stuck or when they are unable to proceed in the mediation process.

Each set of feeling cards may be used in a game of charades. Choose a card and ask a student to demonstrate the feeling on the card. The other students will guess what the feeling is. This is an interactive, engaging way to teach about feelings.

These cards are used by the mediator-trainer in demonstration role plays that show the student mediators how to use a series of mediation techniques with disputants. The trainer will go through the steps of the demonstration role play, then discuss each technique individually.

Use these forms to evaluate the successes and challenges of your program. The forms provide pre and post training responses from Administrators, faculty, and students.

Excerpts from Digital Videos

How Could it be Better: Anti-Bullying Video

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