Community Programs
CRU trainers work with community groups such as After-School Programs and Summer School Activities to teach conflict mediation and cultural awareness concepts to staff and youth. Students learn communication skills, problem solving, and how to be their own mediator. They also develop understanding and sensitivity to those who are different from them. These very important life skills can be used at home, in school and in the workplace.
Job Corps and Youth Facilities
Conflict Mediation skills are a major goal for at-risk youth. Many facilities throughout the United States are using CRU's training and materials to teach young people how to work out conflict with words, not fists. CRU tailors its program to meet the specific needs of each population served. Innovative role plays are created and trainers are chosen who will relate well to the site population. Many who work with at-risk youth believe that the most important 'lesson' to be taught is how to work out differences and how to constructively resolve conflict.
Mediation Services
Need A Mediator? CRU offers mediation services for people in schools. CRU Institute's professional mediators are available to help resolve disputes between faculty members, faculty and parents, or between faculty and administration.