“The facilitators were amazing! They kept us engaged, and I appreciated their personality and humor. I am happy I added more information to my toolbox to bring back to my school."


“The role play and real time coaching (were most helpful). The videos were very good as well. The presenters were great and made this fun and engaging.”


“Role playing was a great value, and to get ‘hands on’ experience with it was greatly appreciated. Thanks for the wonderful training!”

“Thank you for all you do! This work is so important.”


CRU Institute is a non-profit organization. Since 1992, we have trained peer mediators in hundreds of elementary, middle and high schools. Our original materials, manuals, videos and training aids, are used throughout the United States and in many other countries.

The mission of CRU Institute is to teach young people effective, peaceful ways to resolve conflict and to develop understanding, respect, and the ability to cooperate with others in a multicultural world. CRU Institute teaches young people conflict resolution skills and encourages understanding and awareness of cultural differences.

Beyond Peer Mediation: Anti-Bullying, Cultural Awareness
CRU's programs teach young people to understand and respect cultural differences and to deal effectively with bullying. Mediation encourages "being your own mediator" and resolving your own disputes. It builds self-confidence and encourages inclusion of others.

See video for more on CRU Institute

How It Works

Elementary school trained mediators help students resolve conflicts

  • Playground disputes
  • Sit-down conflicts
  • Mentoring of Pre-K-2 students
  • Students learn effective conflict resolution tools

Middle & High School Peer Mediation

Teams of specially trained student mediators meet with students in conflict, and using sit-down peer mediation, help resolve disputes
  • Changes school climate
  • Reduces suspensions
  • Addresses bullying
  • Promotes understanding and inclusion
  • Resolve potentially explosive situations 

Anti-Bullying Strategies

Students discuss issues of bullying and harassment in schools.

Approved by NREPP-Samhsa

CRU Institute's program for middle school students is rated "promising" by NREPP-Samhsa.

CRU Institute (Conflict Resolution Unlimited) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing peer mediation, cultural awareness, anti-violence and anti-bullying programs for faculty, students, and parents at elementary, middle, and high schools. Since 1992, our programs have been implemented throughout the United States and in many countries around the world.

Our mission is to teach young people effective, peaceful ways to resolve conflict and to develop understanding, respect, and the ability to cooperate with others in a multicultural world.

What is peer mediation?

Peer mediation is a structured, orderly, confidential process in which two neutral student mediators use conflict mediation techniques to help peers experiencing conflict. Disputants identify the problems they wish to resolve, and through developing understanding and empathy for one another, create their own solutions.

What We Do

We have a unique blend of talent that allows us to offer a diverse range of services.


“Your peer mediation program has been helpful in our endeavor to improve our school climate from one where students solved problems with their fists to one where students feel safe and are able to focus on their learning.”

Diane Tuttle
Assistant Principal, Highland Middle School Bellevue, WA

"Students who have been trained have exhibited an excitement about the prospect of mediating conflicts. Peer Mediators have come to me repeatedly to inform me that they know they can settle some of these disputes."

Paul D. Nichols
Assistant Principal
Decatur High School
Federal Way, WA

“We at Memphis City Schools very much appreciate (your training) eleven of our middle and high schools in peer mediation. The enthusiasm you generated has lasted through the year and has made the acceptance and maintenance of the program very different from many which lose steam and eventually fall by the wayside.”

Judy Faris
Center for Drug Free Schools; Memphis City Schools

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